Drinking More Water Can Help You Lose Weight

Drinking More Water Can Help You Lose Weight

Drink more water to lose weight. Is that happening?

It seems like in this age, people are so damn lazy that they’ll look for any quick fix that’ll lead them to believe that they’re dropping pounds. However… when it comes to drinking water and losing weight, there are real facts that say “Yes, you can lose more weight by drinking water.”

Of course, drinking water isn’t the main cause of weight gain or weight loss. That conclusion is just…dumb. But how much of it you have in your body does affect things like water retention and your daily beverage choice, which have a very direct link to how much you weigh.

Drinking Water Leads To Losing Water Weight

Often when someone hasn’t exercised or dieted in a very long time, the first thing they’ll lose is water weight and this has a direct connection with how much water your fitness schedule or diet requires you to drink.

Water retention is mostly caused by too much sodium. However, it’s not realistic to go on a sodium-free diet since sodium is just about everything. The reason your body chooses to retain water is that it senses that it’s not getting enough. If you find that you’re having trouble ditching a few stubborn pounds, it could be water retention doing its job to make sure you’re properly hydrated at all times.

The reason the “drink water to lose weight” idea holds is because routine water consumption means less retention in your system letting your fluids run through smoothly. And when your body stops retaining water, the water weight starts dropping away.

Choosing Water Means NOT Choosing “Lost-Calorie” Beverages

One of the other main reasons that drinking water is important for losing weight is when you choose to drink a glass of water, you’re also not choosing to drink something else that might not be as healthy (i.e. soda, iced coffee, milkshake).

For example, the study Drinking water is associated with weight loss in overweight dieting women independent of diet and activity was an analysis of information that had already been collected, to determine if there was a positive answer to the query “Does drinking more water help you lose weight?”

The women whose data were studied were between the ages of 25 and 50 and were reported (before the study) to have commonly drunk less than 1 liter per day. The women’s diet, physical activity, body-fat percentage, weight, and waist size were all taken into account at 2, 6, and 12-month markers as some of the women began drinking more water.

What they concluded from this study is that those who drank more water tended to see the most weight loss.

Significant weight and body fat reduction were observed over time, irrespective of other variables, with both absolute and relative enhancements in water intake. The findings indicate that water consumption may facilitate weight loss among overweight women following a dietary regimen.

How much water should you drink a day to lose weight?

Most people already consume enough water since most foods are already composed of a lot of water. A steak is about 75% water for example. However, 8 glasses of water a day is not completely necessary, as sticking to this amount can greatly reduce your body’s need to retain water. To stop water retention, you need to drink more.

Also, most people don’t eat very healthy, to begin with! Healthy foods such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables provide plenty of water, which a frozen dinner does not.