Protein Shakes

Protein Shakes – The Top 3 Health Benefits of Protein Shakes

What are protein shakes?

Protein is not an important element of your diet but also aids in weight loss. Intake of protein supports your healthy metabolism, regulates your weight, and builds your muscles. One convenient form of protein intake is protein shakes.

Protein shakes are drinks that are high in protein and they are used for introducing protein into your diet. The exact amount of protein we need depends on certain factors like the age of the person, activity done by an individual, and muscle mass required to be built. Protein shakes are made using powdered protein. The protein typically comes from eggs or milk and also comes from rice or soya beans. Historically, protein drinks were favored by ‘bodybuilders’ and those who wanted to gain muscle growth.

Benefits of weight loss protein shakes:

1-Protein shakes are likely to decrease your hunger and appetite:

The very first merit associated with a protein shake is that helps in suppressing your appetite. It works by making you feel full for a longer period after consumption. Having your appetite served for a long time does not make you urge for taking in other micronutrients. Resultantly, when your food intake from other sources gets limited and protein shakes contribute to your body mass formation, it will aid in weight loss. A Scientific study was conducted to check whether proteins help in losing weight by suppressing calorie intake and it proved to be correct. The results revealed that a woman consumed 135 calories fewer throughout the day when she started her day with a protein shake intake.

2-Protein shakes aid in muscle building when coupled with metabolism:

The second benefit of protein shakes is the building of muscles and repairing those that have been worn out. Protein shakes are also likely to preserve our muscle mass which most people think has been shrunk during their weight loss process. However, some authentic studies also suggest that the intake of more protein is also associated with your metabolic process. Consumption of higher protein tends to accelerate your metabolism. It has also been deduced from scientific studies that proteins require almost double the amount of energy when compared with fats and fats for their digestion, which means that they burn more calories in processing as well. 

3-Protein shakes help to lose weight and body fat:

The third pro of taking protein shakes is highlighted by researchers. All researchers have consensus upon the idea that diets and drinks high in protein lead a body system to weight loss and fat loss simultaneously. protein nature is fulfilling which ultimately causes a person to consume fewer calories than the usual routine.  Ultimately when the body takes fewer calories than needed, it will lead to fat and weight loss. A practical study was conducted where a woman with normal weight but high fat followed a standard protein diet for 12 weeks on a consecutive basis. She lost 3 pounds with a 1-inch reduction in waist circumference.

How to use weight loss protein shakes?

People are quite unsure about the idea of consuming protein shakes. Well, its consumption is quite easy. A quick yet easy way to consume protein is protein powder. All you need to do to make a healthy shake or a smoothie using this protein powder. This smoothie is a good replacement for the meal. Just mix the protein powder in water, or you can add it to milk. Moreover, if you want a fancy drink, you can add any fruit or vegetable of your choice. Some easy options for adding fruits and veggies are as follows:

•          The 1st option is adding protein powder to your oat bowl, yogurt bowl, or baked food item.

•          The 2nd option is making a shake using milk and protein powder as it is quite healthy.

•          The 3rd option is adding fresh or frozen fruits for extra flavor or nutrients.

•          The 4th option is the addition of healthy fats like butter, avocado, or flaxseed oil.

•          The 5th option is mixing green leafy vegetables or spinach to make a shake which will give you an extra nutrient boost


Protein shakes are an effective replacement in place of your diet when you are aimed at losing weight. They help you to stay full for a longer time, accelerate your metabolism, and build your muscles especially when you are following a low-calorie diet.