How Surya Namaskar Can Help you Shed 10 kg

How Surya Namaskar Can Help you Shed 10 kg in Record Time!

Surya Namaskar, or Sun Salutation, beautifully connects the physical, mental, and spiritual realms of yoga. The traditional Surya Namaskar series of twelve vigorous yoga postures harmonizes body, mind, and spirit. The benefits go beyond physical exercise, including cerebral clarity, emotional balance, and spiritual elevation. In this detailed overview, we cover Surya Namaskar’s twelve steps, recommended frequency, benefits, and weight control possibilities.

Surya Namaskar
Photo by Elina Fairytale:

What are the 12 steps of Surya Namaskar?

1. Pranamasana (Prayer Pose)

The Sun Salutation starts on the inside with Pranamasana. Hold your ground at the front of your mat and stand tall. Feel thankful and devoted as you put your hands together in front of your chest. Put your hands together to show that the world and you are both made up of opposites that work together. Focusing your breath will help you get ready for the Surya Namaskar, which changes you.

2. Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arms Pose)

Take a deep breath in and out, and then raise your arms like a big tree that wants the sun. As you look up and arch your back, feel your chest and heart center get bigger. Let go and be receptive to the sun’s massive force to gain energy. Reach up and connect with your boundless potential in the sun. 

3. Padahastasana (Hand to Foot Pose)

And after you inhale, get the shoulders loose and flex. As you exhale, fold your torso forward and over your legs. Place hands close to feet or spread falling legs out straight. Listen to the given audio and insert the brackets in the correct position. Lean forward and make sure not to tense up the back legs. When you have pain or tension in your shoulders, neck, or shoulders, use your head hanging as if it were a ripe apple. 

4. Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose)

To step back the other way, and while breathing smoothly, lunge the right leg. Bringing your right knee to the floor, and leaving your left at 90 degrees divide. As you start to ascend, position your left foot slightly to the front with your upper body up facing forward to portray courage and stability. This position gives the air of gracefulness and strength to the horse and also displays the ability to carry a rider. 

5. Dandasana (Stick Pose)

Breathe deeply, and clench your left foot on its right while keeping the plank position. Such quick movements call for a firm base for core and low back support. Polesters, you walk like it. Through it, you get to build strength via all your muscles. However, it is not just about that because you might be resilient and, thus, brave. Attend to others seeking help while you remain calm to exhibit self-control.

6. Ashtanga Namaskara (Salute with Eight Limbs Pose)

Exhale, lift your chest with the upper part of the abdomen and lower your knees, chest, and chin. Here, the two figures touch their hands, feet, knees, belly, and chin to express the way they see life. Drop your sense of self and various relationships to serve others and just know we are united. One of the most admirable behaviors seen in Anand is honesty and humility. Another one was that he was giving.

7. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Let’s start with breathing getting your chest up and bending your neck lightly. For this make your hold with the ground and your back in an arch. Now take a deep breath. Rising activates kundalini– the snake energy which refers to the source of divine energy and consciousness residing in the base of our spine. Each inhalation of breath sends the shifting of what is to your spine. 

8. Parvatasana (Mountain Pose)

Raise hips and back in a dog stance. Exhale. Press your hands into the ground and lengthen your back to separate vertebrae. Lie on your back with straight legs and raised sit bones. Drop your feet. You construct an upside-down V like a rock rising. This solid point provides peace and soil connection.

9. Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose)

Inhale and lunge again with your right foot between your hands. Move fluidly with your left knee elevated and eyes forward. Press your right foot into the ground for support and guidance. This position depicts the beautiful horse’s graceful dawn march. Your breath transfers energy up your spine, supporting your aims.

10. Padahastasana (Hand to Foot Pose)

Fold and breathe as your left foot meets your right. Relax your torso over your legs like a waterfall, releasing tension and resistance with each breath. Free oneself from the past and future to find peace alone. Follow the universe’s wisdom.

11. Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arms Pose)

Breathe in and spread your arms to the sides and over your head to stand back. Arching your back opens your heart to heaven. Open your chest and greet the world as you reach for the heavens. Utilize this growth and release to reach your full potential and shine.

12. Pranamasana (Prayer Pose)

Restart prayer by exhaling and touching your chest. Honor your practice with strength in the land. We appreciate your and everyone’s divine light. Respect and use the universe’s infinite knowledge and connectivity. 

How many Surya Namaskar should be done in a day?

Personal goals, fitness, and time limits dictate Surya Namaskar’s frequency. Daily self-discovery with 5-10 rounds can foster growth and exploration. As they gain confidence, intermediate yogis may accomplish 15-20 rounds, while specialists may do 30. People behave differently, but stability exists. Practice Surya Namaskar regularly, especially before sunrise, to promote health and change.

What are the benefits of Surya Namaskar?

Such are the benefits of Surya Namaskar as numerous as the rays of the Sun do, with every fiber of your body, you are simply energized, relieved, and revived all at the same time. Surya Namaskar in abundance amply favours participants in all dimensions ranging from their physical being to mental and spiritual growth, so that they can freely explore and build upon themselves. Let us highlight this precious practice’s many benefits: Let us highlight this precious practice’s many benefits:

Enhances Flexibility

By use of the fluid motions of Surya Namaskar, practitioners set out on a path of discovery and growth, gracefully lengthening and strengthening muscles, joints, and ligaments.

Improves Strength

Strength and endurance develop as the body moves through the series of poses, activating different muscle groups such as the arms, legs, back, and core, like the petals of a lotus opening to welcome the dawn.

Boosts Circulation

The rhythmic flow of Surya Namaskar awakens the latent rivers of life energy inside with every breath and movement, improving circulation, boosting blood flow, and bringing life and vigor to every cell.

Calms the Mind

The mind finds comfort and tranquility in the sanctuary of the present moment, amid the ebb and flow of breath and movement, enjoying inner calm, clarity, and focus with each breath that passes.

Can I lose 10 kg by doing Surya Namaskar?

Superficially beauty seen and health judged, does Surya Namaskar help you achieve your weight loss goal? Similarly, alongside improving fitness and thinking imparts the borrow of Surya Namaskar, you will not lose weight. Autocoefluctuating intake of foods, ages and types of exercises, positive lifestyle changes, self-consciousness, self-control, and remaining self-compassion are keys to a complete weight loss plan. Awareness, Sala Namaskar, and a balanced diet increase energy and intelligence levels.


Suriya Namaskar combines the knowledge of how each is interrelated and presents the self-examination process using breathing and motion in the present moment. Beautiful and powerful, the twelve-step program contributes to one becoming alert, cheerful, and spiritual while struggling through life. Whoever you are unlike a beginning yogi or an expert, the Surya Namaskar practice can be seen to be much more beneficial for you each day. Perhaps yoga calls you down to earth in terms of its eons-old wisdom and the enormous opportunities that life can bring to you when you embrace your joys with due gratitude and respect