Walk to Lose Weight Step It Up

Walk to Lose Weight: Step It Up

Nowadays, more and more people want to lose weight. Some of them start diets that seem to work fast, but still, many people don’t obtain the desired results. Wouldn’t you want to lose weight without even realizing it?

Well, we’re here to present you with a technique that will help you lose weight! You don’t need money! You’ll only change several everyday habits. You just have to Walk to Lose Weight!

Here are the 2 factors that walking depends on so that we can know how many calories we burn:

  • Walking area
  • Body Weight

You need to know these numbers:

  • If you walk for 1 hour, your body will burn 400 calories. You should walk at an average speed of 4 miles per hour.
  • You have to make at least 2,000 steps so that you can burn 100 calories e.g. you have to burn about 3,500 calories if you want to lose 1 pound.
  • Achieve Sustainable Weight Loss: Shedding 1 Pound per Week to Avoid the Unwanted Yo-Yo Effect!
    According to this, you have to burn about 500 calories a day, or walk about 5 miles every day!

Useful Tips on How to Walk More

  1. Walk to school with your kids.
  2. Walk to work or home. Don’t drive or take the bus.
  3. Climb the stairs. Don’t use the elevator!
  4. If you have to go somewhere in your car, park it a bit further and walk.
  5. Walk to the station instead of using a bus or taxi.

How Often Should You Walk to Lose Weight?

During the first days, walk for about 15 to 20 minutes so that you can adjust. Increase the time, when you’re ready to 30 or minutes a day.

Over time, the habit of walking will be only a routine, so you won’t even think about it. You’ll only lose weight! Just pay attention to the steps!